Strategic Alliances

Announcing A New Strategic Alliance Designed to Advance
The Science of Developing Leaders

It is our distinct pleasure to announce a new alliance with the distinguished psychologists from the Hogan Assessment Center

Noted psychologist, Robert Hogan has developed a preeminent reputation from over two decades of research into leadership effectiveness and from founding a multidisciplinary firm that combines the science of personality assessment with practical business experience to develop leaders. 

Today, Hogan Assessment provides services to thousands of companies throughout the world, including more than 60 percent of the Fortune 100.  And, in addition to their own principals, they provide services through a network of consulting psychologist partners, all of whom are certified in their technology and endorse the science of developing leaders.  In December 2007, Patrick completed his certification at Georgia Tech.

We are therefore pleased to offer a program for the assessment and development of law firm leaders.  This new initiative is comprised of three inter-related modules that encompass both a diagnostic and counseling service.

The first module measures and provides feedback on a law firm (Chairman, Managing Partner, or Practice Group) leaders bright side, those (7 primary and 41 sub) characteristics that appear during social interactions, and facilitate or inhibit your ability to get along with others and achieve your goals.

The second module identifies your leadership dark side, the 7 most common performance risks that can derail your leadership tenure and negatively influence your career. Dr. David L. Dotlich, a fellow business author and coach to top executives in Fortune 500 companies, did a brilliant job of documenting these in his noteworthy book, Why CEOs Fail (Jossey-Bass, 2003).

Finally, we look at what motivates and drives you (and your entire executive committee and / or management team) toward taking charge and taking responsibility for getting things done.

These assessment instruments were introduced to and received high praise from those new managing partners who attended our First 100 Days Master Class in New York in January 2008.

If you would like to learn more about how these assessment tools can help you with your leadership initiatives, please either e-mail or give us a call: 800.921.3343

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