
Effective Management Strategies for Practice Leaders (published by ARK Publishing - 2008)
Management Skills
(published by Jossey-Bass - 2005)
Edited by Tamara Keller and Rob Brandt, Management Skills contains
the best thinking from the biggest names in business management on a wide
range of subjects including what makes a great manager, how to shape the
work environment, change, communicating, hiring and motivating people,
leading teams, and much more.
The author list of this invaluable resource reads like a who's who
of business management. This extraordinary collection features
chapters from Warren Bennis, Peter Drucker, Rosabeth Moss Kanter,
James M. Kouzes, Patrick J. McKenna, Henry Mintzberg, Jeffrey Pfeffer,
Barry Z. Posner, Robert E. Quinn, Douglas K. Smith, and Robert I. Sutton
For any executive, manager, or consultant, this indispensable
resource offers an overview of the fundamental skills that are
crucial for becoming an outstanding manager.
"Clients At The Core is an essential blueprint to helping us all take the
next steps. The authors, battle scarred by the evolution of professional
firm management and marketing from then to now, have captured the changing
needs of the firms in this turbulent new economic era. This is a well-written
book that uses plain language to convey practical, well thought-out ideas."
-Patrick J. McKenna, a leading international consultant to professional service firms
- Managing Partner Performance: Strategies for Transforming Underperforming Partners (Globe Law & Business, 2024)
- In The Company Of Leaders, 100th Anniversary Edition (Toastmasters International Foundation, Success Publications, 2024)
- Talent In the Legal Profession: How to Attract, Retain and Engage Top Talent (Globe Law & Business, 2024)
- Foundational Success, Third Edition (Success Publications, 2024)
- Rise of the Legal COO - Second Edition (Globe Law & Business, 2023)
- Effective Practice Group Leadership - Second Edition (Globe Law & Business, 2022)
- Horizon Scanning: Modernizing Legal Service Delivery (Ark Publishing, 2020)
- The Lawyer's Guide to the Future of Practice Management (Ark Publishing, 2019)
- Dispute Resolution and Lawyers, A Contemporary Approach (Interactive CaseBook Series) 6th Edition (West Academic Publishing, 2019)
- Legal Leadership: A Handbook For Future Success (Ark Publishing, 2018)
- Tackling Partner Underperformance, 2nd Edition (Ark Publishing, 2018)
- Effective Practice Group Leadership (Ark Publishing, 2017)
- Measuring and Managing Performance for Law Firms (Ark Publishing, 2017)
- Smarter Lateral Hiring for Law Firms (Ark Publishing, 2017)
- Managing Your Legal Organization: Global Insights (Magic Lawyers Publishing, New Delhi, India, 2017)
- Rise of The Legal COO (Ark Publishing, 2017)
- Recruiting And Retaining Legal Talent (Globe Law & Business, 2017)
- Managing Legal Change Initiatives (Ark Publishing, 2017)
- Inovativni Pravnici - Proceedings From CCE Conference about Innovations in Law (E.conomia, Czech Republic, 2016)
- 2020 Vision: The Future of Legal Services (Ark Publishing, 2015)
- In The Company Of Leaders - Second Edition (Toastmasters International, 2014)
- Law Firm Strategies For The 21st Century (International Bar Association, 2013)
- How To Engage Partners In The Firm's Future: The Secrets Every Leader Needs To Know (Bay Street Group Publishing, 2013)
- Foundational Success, Second Edition (CAPS Charitable Foundation, 2013)
- Targeting Profitability: Strategies to Improve Law Firm Performance (Ark Publishing, 2013)
- Practice Group Leadership Report for Lawyers (Ark Publishing, 2013)
- The Future of Legal Services (Ark Publishing, 2011)
- Implementing An Effective Change Management Strategy (Ark, 2011)
- The Extraordinary Managing Partner: Reaching The Pinnacle of Law Practice Managment (Association of Legal Administrators, 2011)
- Strategy Development For Practice Group Leaders (Ark Publishing, 2011)
- Foundational Success (CAPS Charitable Foundation, 2009)
- Effective Management Strategies For Practice Group Leaders (Ark, 2008)
- In The Company Of Leaders (Toastmasters International, 2008)
- Strategy And The Fat Smoker (The Spangle Press, 2008)
- Mergers & Alliances in the Legal Profession (Ark Publishing, 2006)
- Selected Readings: Management of a Practice (AICPA, 2006)
- Management Skills (Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2005)
- Selected Readings: Management of a Practice (AICPA, 2005)
- Client At The Core (Wiley, 2004)
- Selected Readings: Management of a Practice (AICPA, 2004)
- Selected Readings: Management of a Practice (AICPA, 2002)
- Selected Readings: Management of a Practice (AICPA, 2001)
- Managing Your Law Firm (BC Law Society, 1996)
- Putting It All Together: Your Next Steps - AAM Conference Proceedings Publication (Association of Accounting Marketing, 1996)
- The ABA Guide To Legal Marketing (American Bar Association, 1995)
- Winning Strategies for Client Development and Retention (American Bar Association, 1992)
- The Lawyer's Handbook, third edition (American Bar Association, 1992)
- Marketing For Survival In The 1990's (American Bar Association, 1990)
The Fearless Leaders Advisory Board

- Having Firm Leaders Take A STEP Forward (patrickmckenna.com - October 2024)
- Dissecting The Processes of Law Firm Strategic Planning (Legal Business World - April 2024)
- The 2024 'Burning Issues' Confronting Law Firm Leaders (Legal Business World - January 2024)
- Examining The Inner Workings of Law Firm Leadership (Legal Business World - June 2023)
- What High Performing Group Leaders Do: Coach Partners One-On-One (Legal Business World - August 2021)
- The State of Law Firm Leadership (Legal Executive Institute, (Thomson Reuters - August 2018)
- The Fearless Leader's Advisory Board (Legal Executive Institute, (Thomson Reuters - December 2017)
- Becoming Fearless: Facing Uncertainty in the Legal Market with Confidence (Legal Executive Institute, (Thomson Reuters - May 2017)

- Compensation As A Strategic Asset -- August J. Aquila and Coral L. Rice (AICPA)
- The Business Impact Of Writing A Book -- Mike Schultz (RainToday Research)
- Climbing The Leadership Summit - Joseph B. Murphy (Independently Published, 2024)
- Empowering People Through Caring Leadership: Strategies That Actually Work! - - Germain L. St-Dennis (LiveLifeHappy Publishing, 2024) "This book has been tremendously enriched by Patrick's suggestions, support, guidance and examples over the past 4 - 5 years. Sincere thanks for your exemplary leadership and wisdom."
- The Lawyer's Guide to Collaborative Tools and Technologies - - Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell (ABA, 2023)
- The Heart of Practice: Leadership Principles For Legal Professionals- Simon Tubman (Lawyers With A Life Ltd, 2023)
- Power Grids: How Successful Lawyers Build Powerful Networks that Drive Reputations, Relationships, Referrals and Revenues -- Eric G. Dewey (2022)
- Productizing Legal Work: Providing Legal Expertise At Scale -- Professor Gabriel Teninbaum (2021)
- Survive & Thrive Post-Pandemic: A Guidebook for Legal & Professional Services Providers -- Julie Savarino (2020)
- The Power of Virtual Distance, Second Edition -- Karen Sobel Lojeski and Richard R. Reilly (Wiley, 2020)
- AI Concepts for Business Applications -- Nelson E. (Nick) Brestoff (Business Expert Press, 2020)
- Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law: A Practical Guide - - Dennis Kennedy (Bowker Identifier Services, 2019)
- American Law Firms In Transition: Trends, Threats and Strategies - - Randall Kiser (American Bar Association, 2019)
- How to Become The Firm of Choice: Win the best clients, Recruit the best people, Increase profitability by taking your firm to the next level - - August J. Aquila and Robert J. Lees (CPA Trendlines, 2016)
- Legal Project Management, Pricing, and Alternative Fee Arrangements - - Jim Hassett (LegalBizDev, 2013)
- The Lawyer's Toolkit for Creating Both Personal and Professional Success - - Michael F. Moore (Thomson Reuters / Aspatore Books, 2013)
- Performance Is Everything! The Why, What and How of Designing Compensation Plans - - August J. Aquila and Coral L. Rice (AICPA, 2012) "Among our influences are Patrick McKenna whom we consider one of the leading law and professional firm consultants in the world."
- The Role of The Law Firm Partner in a Changing Legal Marketplace - - Patricia Wheatley Burt (Ark Publishing, 2012)
- Professional Services Marketing 3.0 - Bruce W. Marcus (Bay Street Group, 2011)
- Ethical Leadership in Professional Life - - Neil W. Hamilton (University of St. Thomas Law Journal - Winter 2009)
- Marketing Professional Services in Asia -- Robert C. Sawhney (Lexis Nexis, 2009)
- Professional Services Marketing: How the Best Firms Build Premier Brands -- Mike Schultz and John Doerr (Wiley, 2009)
- On The Move: Adding Strength, Speed and Balance -- C. Jeff Woods (Chalice Press, 2009)
- The Integration Imperative -- Suzanne Lowe (Professional Service Books, 2009) "I
am indebted to Patrick McKenna, for his very early and sustained
enthusiasm for my work, incredible global referral network, robust
thought leadership, and tremendous professional collegiality. (What a
fine combination!)"
- Undo Before You Become Undone -- Randy Boek, Kathleen Goodman, and Lisa Haneberg (2008)
- Uniting The Virtual Workforce -- Karen Sobel Lojeski and Richard R. Reilly (Wiley, 2008)
- The Extraordinary Law Firm: Making Your Firm A Great Place To Work -- Charles E. Stinnett (ALA, 2007)
- Compensation As A Strategic Asset -- August J. Aquila and Coral L. Rice (AICPA, 2007)
- Prepare To Win: A Lawyer's Guide to Rainmaking -- Cordell Parvin (Life Career Publishing, 2007)
- The Business Impact Of Writing A Book -- Mike Schultz (RainToday Research, 2006)
- The Successful Lawyer: Powerful Strategies for Transforming Your Practice -- Gerald A. Riskin (American Bar Association, 2005)
- Competing For Capital: Investor Relations in a Dynamic World -- Bruce W. Marcus (Wiley, 2005)
- Behind Closed Doors: Secrets To Great Management -- Johanna Rothman and Esther Derby (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2005)
- The Firm Of The Future -- Paul Dunn and Ron Baker (Wiley, 2003)
- Management Consulting (fourth edition) - Milan Kubr (ILO, 2002)
- Practice What You Preach -- David H. Maister (Free Press, 2001)
- Inside Outside: How Businesses Buy Legal Services -- Larry Smith (ALM Publications, 2001)
- The Trusted Advisor -- David H. Maister, Charles Green and Robert Galford (Free Press, 2000) "Of the many readers of the manuscript, Patrick McKenna was particularly generous with time and ideas."
- New Dimensions in Investor Relations-- Bruce W. Marcus (1997)
- True Professionalism: The Courage To Care About Your People, Your Clients and Your Career -- David H. Maister (Free Press, 1997) "Patrick McKenna provided useful reactions and suggestions to many of the concepts discussed in this book."
- Competing For Clients -- Bruce W. Marcus (1995)