McKenna's International Review Magazine - Spring 2013
Here’s my newest issue of International Review – an issue that I hope contains a balanced blend of thoughtful insight and practical contributions on law firm strategy and leadership.
Today, I believe we face a time when doing things fundamentally differently will ultimately trump doing the same things more efficiently. To succeed firms will need to focus increasingly more attention on how they might differentiate themselves in ways that client value. My Six Elements of Meaningful Differentiation is intended to provoke your thinking on this important topic. And you may note that while this may not be the most comprehensive piece on this subject I have deliberately not identified costs as a significant differentiator. For those who engage in predatory pricing, you might win the fee-cutting race . . . right to the bottom - but the real strategic issue is whether you will have a sustainable practice after you get there.
I am delighted to include an article that American Lawyer magazine agreed to publish an excerpt from earlier this year. Malignant Leadership reflects upon some lessons from the Dewey catastrophe and has probably garnered more responses from readers than almost any other article that I’ve written over the years.
Be sure to have a look at the results of my latest research into the dynamics of being a managing partner as conveyed in Inside The Corridors of Firm Leadership. This expose represents the responses from firm leaders of AmLaw 100, AmLaw 200 and other firms on everything from their job descriptions and how they spend their time to their leadership priorities and intentions for when they leave office.
Finally, I am observing a trend wherein more firms are starting to hit the Reset Button on their practice group management efforts and trying to start fresh. Practice Group Leadership 2.0 is my attempt to prescribe some fundamental structural recommendations for what firms absolutely must do to make their practice management efforts successful.
I sincerely hope that you find some practical ideas, tips and techniques here that you can put to use immediately. Please send me your observations, critiques, comments and suggestions with respect to any of these articles.