Are You Getting The Minutes From Your Practice Group Meetings?
Whenever I’ve been called in to work with a firm’s practice group, some group that needs remedial attention, one of my first questions of firm leadership is to please send me copies of the groups’ meeting minutes. The response I usually elicit is . . . “Minutes? What do you mean by minutes?” Which tells me everything I need to know!
I find that too many practice group meetings (if your practice groups are meeting at all) are simply a convenient excuse to have lunch and find out what everyone has been up to lately. Many groups may spend time talking about workloads and about what’s new in their particular area of practice – but few actually engage in collaborating on projects that could advance the group’s ambitions.
What I’ve learned and observed first hand is that the most effective practice groups, the ones that are bringing in good client work and striving to dominate in their chosen markets, actually spend their time action planning, determining some joint projects that the group would benefit from working on and then having partners volunteer to implement certain tasks.