McKenna's International Review Magazine: Spring-Summer 2020
As we all look forward to the first spring and summer of a new decade, I am hopeful that this issue of my International Review magazine will contribute to your successful leadership and strategic efforts. Having A Real Industry Focus is the result of a collaboration with my old friend and colleague, Michael Rynowecer from BTI Consulting who has analyzed more than 20,000 clients and studied over 300 law firms. In it we explore how fully understanding your client’s industry can be the single biggest differentiator amongst firms. On a related theme, I have included another in my ongoing series of lucrative micro-niche practices, with this one focused on Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, a $200 Billion area of opportunity for any attorneys wanting to specialize within the HealthCare / Life Sciences industry. Effective Strategy Often Requires Being First and Being Exceptional identifies the advantages from harnessing a “First Mover” approach and the distinct benefits in understanding that the key to competitive advantage is to set your sights on being “first to market” with exceptional ideas and exceptional service offerings. Our final selection, Having Your Groups Firing On All Cylinders is written to help firm leaders understand that there are some easily addressable structural impediments to having your industry and practice groups performing as you might wish. From all of this I sincerely hope that you find some usable ideas, tips and techniques that you can put to work immediately. Please send me your observations, critiques, comments and suggestions with respect to any of these articles or my newest books (see page 22 and 23).
Download your copy - HERE
Clients Want Firms That Know Their Industry.pdf