When It Comes Time To Instigate Change
Every few years a new theme
emerges in law firm management. There
was a time and perhaps it still exists where we witnessed resistant attorneys
being forced to take the marketing of professional services seriously. We have all since observed initiatives like
total quality management, branding programs, alternate billing methods, and
project management assume center stage.
Meanwhile, many of our skeptical and often times, senior partners have
chosen to sit on the sidelines.
So why is it that these professionals are so skeptical?
From understanding the
“Challenges of Implementing Your Initiatives” and “Helping Your Partners See
The Need to Change” to “Helping Your Partners Take Action” and “Nurturing Your Partners To Follow-Though,”
this 50-page eBook will provide advice and counsel on how to convert your best
intentions into best practices. Download: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/b30d31_2a6954e0292d4db4bc7ccee8eae7952b.pdf
Online Reader: http://www.changenow.legalbusinesslibrary.com